NoodlesTools - FastActions
FastActions can make your life easier by providing easy to access shortcuts to operators that are usually far in some menus, as well as some mesh editing operations that usually requires several operator calls.
Feel free to give feedback and report issues here
Edit Mode:
Selections: F6 / ctrl+r in free
- Select/Deselect Boundary Loop
- Select area in boundary loop
- Select Above / Below / Side of active vertex
- Select Edge Rings/Loops
- Checker Deselect
Geometry: F6 / ctrl+r in free
- Create Domes from vertices
- Create hole from 2 vertices
- Unsubdivide Tubes
- Cylinderify tubes
- Tube To Curve
- Other operators are experimental. Use them at your own risk :p
Object Mode:
Transform menu: F6 / ctrl+t in free
- Apply 3d cursor orientation
- Apply Scale (This one works for linked objects, even the ones that are not in the viewport.)
Release Note:
New Features:
- Rebindable keymap
- Improved selection operators
- Select by material transparency mode
- Select by UV Map name
- Select by UV Maps count
- Select by Object color
- Select by Material Count
- Select by Parent Count (Hierarchy level)
- Material Name To Object Name
- Collection Name to Object Name
- Data block name to Object Name
- Instance Name to Object Name
- Add Material Containers
- Add ID Materials
- Batch Clear custom data (custom normal, edge bevel weight, vertex bevel weight, edge crease, vertex crease)
- Material Color To Object Color
- Reload Library (from viewport)
- Circle Distribute
- Line Distribute
- Bone Parent to Armature
- Select intersecting Geometry
- Camera Focus Distant to 3D cursor
- Randomize Objects Color
- Duplicate to Selected
- Select Random mesh island
- Materials boundaries to edge seams/sharp....
- Random material to mesh island.
- Batch assign asset preview in asset browser
- Copy active asset attributes to selected in asset browser
- Clear asset attributes of selected assets
- Export Enabled Addon List
- Compare Addon Lists
Know issues:
- Align to and Offset rotation doesn't not restore previous tool settings (origin, skip parent and location under the options menu in top right of 3D view)
New Features:
- Create collection from selection is now also in pie menu
- Batch create collections from parents
- Add Root to selection
- Separate by mat/parts/selections and parent automatically parents on the biggest part. Works on multiple objects in object mode
- Delete-Reparent
- Bypass-Reparent
- Select Objects with non uniform scale
- Fixed "Select One Of" extend property not working as expected
- Fixed mismatching operator tooltips
- Fixed AutoParent error case where no targets are selected
- Added operator tooltips
- Fixed ToDome to work on 2.8x
- Fixed Drill to work on 2.8x
- Fixed Side selections menu,
- Added Event to Side selections
- Added Cylinderify
- Added Tube To curve
- Fixed Unsubdivide
- Fixed some bugs
- New Menu for ALT+R
You will get the Addon, and a huge saving on production time ;) (and my gratitude for your support)
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